A Cold War: Reincarnation of the Morrigan Book 4

What do you do when someone comes at you with a cleaver?
Kidnap them, of course. Then find out who is manipulating them…
Angelica Morgan went all over the world with Meiran, intervening in conflicts and learning how to wield her powers. Now she has all three parts of the Morrigan. Gran, Caroline, and Meiran are gone.
Or are they? Can three old and powerful ladies who are alive only in her mind really drive her crazy?
Gran wants her favorite Gin, Caroline wants pastries, and Meiran likes Glenfiddich Whisky.
Will Ang die of cirrhosis or diabetes first? Oh, wait…she’s the Morrigan, so they don’t affect her.
Also, her ancient relatives pop in and give her advice when she least expects it and doesn’t want it.
And another thing. Will Ang ever have an uninterrupted date with Simon?
She’s trying to tell him the big secret, but everything seems to be conspiring against her.
They finally make it to dinner, and a supernatural attacks Simon as she starts to explain.
What are the chances that Simon will survive being her boyfriend?