Appointed: Para-Military Recruiter Book 11

Julie got the answers about the lineage she was searching for. Now she must live up to her rediscovered family name.
Resisting her mom’s ideas for the “perfect” wedding while finding her place outside OPMA is going to take every ounce of willpower she can muster.
Nimue’s capture should have poured cold water on the rebellion. Should being the operative word. But Nimue’s supporters aren’t done causing trouble…
It’s a good thing Julie has glutes of steel to go with her shiny spine.
Queen Esmerelda appointing Julie to the Eternal Council makes the prospect of a quiet night of wedding planning with her petrichor prince look like a distant dream.
Before Julie can get herself on solid ground as the Lunar Fae councilor, a diplomatic opportunity takes her and Taylor to the edge of Avalon in the hopes of avoiding all-out war.
Are the Drow the bloodthirsty menaces their previous encounters have led Julie to believe? Or is there a more sinister explanation for their apparent enmity?
Only one thing is certain. Julie must succeed in navigating the political waters or she’ll be run aground far from home.