Princess, Para-Military Recruiter Book 14

Can happiness and duty interweave without tangling?
Newlyweds Julie and Taylor’s blissful union swiftly tumbles into a vortex of unexpected obligations and looming threats as Mina Nox escapes her supernatural prison. Is their love robust enough to weather the ensuing storm?
Julie, amidst unraveling the mystery of her new powers and managing burgeoning crises, finds herself in a dance of delicate balance. Can she harness the powers Luna bestowed upon her and navigate through the torrent of responsibilities and dark mysteries clouding their joyous beginning?
The emergence of old and new threats cast long shadows over the realm.
When duty summons them to the Forest of the Mystic Dusk, marital harmony clashes with the obligation to their people. Can they navigate through their first dispute to stand unified against the ravages of Mina Nox within the peaceful villages?
Get your copy and join Julie and Taylor as they navigate through enchanting mysteries, looming threats, and the delicate dance of newlywed bliss amidst unfolding chaos.